Fitted Fest 24 at Lahti, Finland

Fitted Fest 24 at Lahti, Finland

Hey petrolheads and art lovers! 
Sorry for late update! 
From 10th-11th of August Cool Car Drawing was visiting Finland town- Lahti!
At Lahti Harbour x Sibeliustalo Concert Hall CDLC.CO was organizing event Fitted Fest 2024. 
"Fitted Fest is our idea of a perfect Car Show. With over 250 hand picked show cars from Finland and abroad are representing the best of contemporary Motoring Enthusiast scene for a full weekend – at the beautiful Lahti Harbour x Sibeliustalo Concert Hall setting."

Attendees had a chance to meet me- Cool Car Drawing at Sibeliustalo Concert Hall from August 10th-11th all day! I was there with various thing that every petrolhead and art lover is interested to see! From original artworks and poster to stickers for your car and more!!! You can see small update reel at my IG or Tik Tok profiles or wait for official aftermovie release from CDLC.CO to see how it went! 

See you around in next year when CDLC.CO will do 10th year anniversary for Fitted Fest

More information about events click the link below and follow my social media for latest activities:

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